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HomeZFC Winners Photo Op Contest

ZFC Winners Photo Op Contest

A contest just for MiGO Photo Contest Winners:

This is a year-long contest for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Zoom-Focus-Click Photo Contest.   It is a bit like a travel bug race, except:

  • We are counting photos, not miles.

What is the object?

  • Get photos posted on your trackable's own web page.  The more photos, the more points.  

The contest runs for (almost) a calendar year, starting late January, through December 31st, 2023.  It is open to all ZFC prize winners (first, second and third Place) of the ZFC Photo Contest from November, 2020 through June 2023.  Prizes won after June will be eligible for a 2024 version of this contest. The playing pieces are the ZFC Trackable tags that were the prizes for the photo contest.  There are multiple ways to score more points, and more ways to win prizes.  There are some limitations, so pay attention to the details below.

The first way to score points and get a chance at a prize is simply by entering your ZFC Trackable in this contest, so get your ZFC Trackable activated and entered.  

Stuff you need to play:

One of the cool ZFC Trackable Prizes shown at right. Get one by placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the monthly Zoom-Focus-Click photo contest, either one already complete, or one yet to happen.


(Optional) Something else to attach to the above trackable.


A photo of your completed trackable, on the trackable's web page before you enter. See note below.


Entry Form:  ZFC-PO23:Entry - Fill this form out to enter the contest prior to playing. Turning in this form will add you to the Players list. 


Inquiries Link:  ZFC-PO23:Inquiry:  Click this link to send an email to the contest manager(s).    If your email client doesn't like the above link, send your inquiry to "" with this EXACT subject: "ZFC-PO23:Inquiry".  Questions will be answered on the contest page.  This email, the Entry form and the Found One form are the only accepted method of communication with the contest manager(s). 

Recruit Form:  MiGO Recruitment:  There are opportunities for participants to recruit new members  and/or new players.  Use the MiGO Recruitment Form for both the recruiter and the recruit to get bonus points.

Photos taken by you or someone else properly posted on log on your trackable's page.


GR - General Contest Rules:

Since this is not a caching contest, Common Contest Rules for MiGO Caching Contests does not apply.  Players are expected to understand and play within the MiGO Code of Fair Play. 

 MiGO Code of Fair Play:  Expectations of Participation in MiGO Promotions.

SR - Specific Rules for the ZFC Winners Photo Op Contest:

  1. Any activated ZFC Trackable won in any ZFC contest from the first in November, 2020, through June, 2023 is eligible to be entered in this contest, by their winner, within the limits below.
    1. Retrieve the activation code here:    Retrieve Activation Code
  2. Only original trackables can be entered. Proxy trackables are not allowed under any circumstances.
  3. A ZFC Contest winner may enter up to four (4) ZFC trackables.
    1. If more than one are entered, all but one must be turned loose in the wild upon entry. In this case, the owner may log one photograph of the trackable at its initial drop off.  
    2. The owner can hold only one entered trackable in their possession at a time.  This trackable can later be turned loose in the wild, at the discretion of the owner.  If the owner has less than four entries, they could enter and hold a new entry.  
  4. Photos to be scored need to be added to a drop, pickup or discover logs on the trackable's own web page.  Grabs and Discovers in someone else's possession do not qualify. Photos added to the logs of a geocache or elsewhere on the trackable's web page do not qualify. Photos not associated with a geocache with a GC code do not qualify.
  5. Only 1 photo per cache qualifies.
  6. Only 1 photo per day qualifies.
  7. Only one (1) photo taken by any single cacher other than the trackable owner qualifies. 
    In other words, don't have one of your friends take your trackable for a trip and think every dip with a photo will count.
  8. If a trackable is turned loose in the wild, the owner may not interact with it further, with the following exceptions:
    1. The owner may contact a geocacher holding the trackable and request the cacher take and log a photo and place the trackable in a cache. The request must be made via (message or email) using only the text in the Message a Cacher section below.  Every time such a message is sent, the owner must log on the trackable's page: "Owner messaged geocachername".
    2. The owner may send a thank you via after the holder follows the above instructions.

Message a Cacher:

If a trackable is being held by a geocacher for two weeks or more, who obviously is not aware of or following the request to take one photo and leave the trackable in a cache, the trackable owner may contact that geocacher once every two weeks to request the cacher holding the trackable move it along.   Every time such a such a message is sent, the owner must log on the trackable's page: "Owner messaged geocachername via".   Any trackable owner determined to be abusing this limit or harassing the holder may be disqualified.  The request must be made via (message or email) using the text below (with no embellishments), where XXXXXX is the identity of the trackable on its own page:


"Log traffic indicates you are in possession of my trackable travel bug, XXXXXX, that is participating in the ZFC Winners Photo Op Contest by the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO). The bug looks like a smiley face holding a camera.  Please post one (and only one) photo of this trackable, on the trackable's own web page. You may also post the photo on a geocache log, but it will not be scored in the contest if it is only on the geocache log. The photo should be taken at or near a geocache. Please identify the GC code with the posted photo. Once you have "logged" the photo, please place the travel bug in a geocache so someone else can discover or retrieve it.  Visit us at"



The only other communication a trackable owner can have with a cacher is sending a thank you message or email.  Thank you messages are encouraged as they help promote MiGO.


"Thank you for logging a photograph of my trackable XXXXXX on its own page and leaving it in a cache for another to find.  You gave me a point and a chance at winning a prize in the ZFC Winners Photo Op Contest being run by the Michigan Geocaching Organization."


Trackable's Web Page:

Your ZFC Trackable's web page:

  1. must include a photo of the trackable at the time you enter it in this contest. If you add a trinket (large or small) to your trackable, this photo must include that addition. This photo is for identification purposes and does not score.  
  2. should include a copy of your winning photo. If you need a copy, send an inquiry.
  3. should include a MiGO Promotion at the bottom of its page. See Promote MiGO page on the website.

To advertise the goal of your litle photographer, place this, or something similar, in the Current Goal section of your Trackables page:


"This travel bug is participating in a contest by the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO). 

Please post one (and only one) photo of this trackable, on the trackable's own web page. You may also post the photo on a geocache log, but it will not be scored in the contest if it is only on the geocache log. The photo should be taken at or near a geocache. Please identify the GC code with the posted photo. Once you have "logged" the photo, please place the travel bug in a geocache so someone else can discover or retrieve it.  

Only one photo per geocacher will be scored.
Only one photo per day will be scored.
Only one photo per cache will be scored.  The tag needs to move.

The photo must be taken when you Drop, Discover or Retrieve the travel bug in a geocache. 
Photos logged on a Grab or a Discovery while in someone else's possession will not be scored.

Thank you for helping my travel bug compete in this contest."




  1. Scoring will be done from the data collected from trackable pages.  The limits in the Specific Rules section apply.
  2. Points:
    1. 5 points for entering your trackable in this contest.
    2. 1 point for each photo you (the trackable owner) take and record on a drop, visit or retrieve log at a geocache you find, hide or visit.  Any cache with a GC number qualifies.  
    3. 20 points for each photo properly logged according to the rules above, by someone other than the trackable owner.   
  3. Bonus Points:
    1. 5 points for displaying your winning photo on your trackable's web page OR...
    2. 10 points for displaying your winning photo with the place and date decorations after the member ballot.  Send an inquiry to get your photo from the webmaster.
    3. 5 points for including a promotion of MiGO graphic at the bottom of your trackable's page.
    4. 5 points for entering a properly logged photo taken by the owner into the monthly Zoom-Focus-Click photo contest.  The trackable must clearly show in the photo and must be identified in the monthly contest entry form (see the appropriate monthly photo entry form)
    5. 5 points if the photo above places 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a 2023 photo contest.
    6. 10 bonus points for each new or upgrading MiGO paid Lake Huron or Lake Superior member you recruit during 2023.   To claim, identify the new member using the MiGO  Recruitment Form. 
    7. 5 bonus point for each MiGO Member that you convince to enter a monthly ZFC contest for the very first time, during 2023.   To claim, identify the new player using the MiGO Recruitment Form and have the new player identify the recruiter using the MiGO Recruitment Form.
  4. Winners
    1. The owner of the trackable with the most points earned as of December 31st, 2023, will win a prize.  
    2. All other participants will be placed in a drawing for a second prize, with the number of chances equal to the number of points earned.  The Lake Superior multiplier applies.
    3. Miscellaneous prizes will be awarded during the contest for unannounced reasons and varying reasons, depending on participation.
  5. The Prizes
    1. Prizes for the most points and the drawing winner at the end of the contest will include a one-year MiGO membership extension, plus a personalized item you will hopefully be proud to display.   
    2. Winners will be announced, and prizes presented, at the 2024 Winter Social (if winners are in attendance).
    3. Other pick-up options will need to be made, or delivery via US Mail paid for by the winner.
    4. Miscellaneous prizes throughout the year may include but will not be limited to,  MiGO Store coupons.  
All you need to do to have a one chance to win a prize is enter.

Check the contest page regularly for announcements and random prizes.

Answers to questions posted using the ZFC-PO23:Inquiry email link:

  • Question:  ?
  • Answer:     .
  • Question:  ?
  • Answer:   .
  • Question: ?
  • Answer:   .
  • Question: ?
  • Answer:   .



Content on this site is the property of the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) and may not be duplicated without consent unless specifically stated.