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HomeCommon Contest Rules

Common Rules for

MiGO Caching Contests

The Common Rules for MiGO Caching Contests are outlined below. Geocaching contests run by the Michigan Geocaching Organization will be created and managed according to these baseline rules first and amended as necessary with rules specific to each contest.  Participants in these contests are expected to be familiar with and follow these rules.

Fair Play

First and foremost, participants in MiGO contests and promotions need to understand and agree to what MiGO considers to be a "Code of Fair Play", which outlines basic expectations of all who choose to participate. Not everyone caches the same way and MiGO understands that. Whether or not you choose to geocache following the "Code" is your business, but if you choose to participate in a MiGO contest or promotion, please understand that you are expected to follow the code. Knowing that everyone you are playing against makes contests and promotions more enjoyable for all. We ask that all participants read the MiGO Code of Fair Play prior to participation.

General Contest Rules

This section outlines the general rules by which all MiGO geocaching contests hosted on our website or Facebook page will be both designed and executed. These rules do not extend to simple contests that are part of MiGO events.

  1. Date and Time:

    All dates and times used in any contest or promotion will be Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-5), whatever is in effect.
  2. Forms:

    Each contest will have a common set of forms for entry, playing and completion. Using such forms gives the contest managers a record of all contest activities which can be referenced as necessary during and after the contest. These forms also assist the conteest managers in scoring the contests. The common set of forms include:
    1. Entry:   This will be a form you fill out on the website signaling your intent to play. The purpose of the form is to identify you are a player. The information required will depend on whether the contest is open to supporting members only, or non-supporting members and/or Facebook group members.
    2. Target:   Some contests may also provide players with a target form or list of caches or characteristics for players to find. An example is MiGO BiNGO. A random bingo card will be provided with targets. If a contest has a target form, it will be identified on the contest page.
    3. Player:   Most, but not all, contests will also have a form for players to fill out to record your finds or achievements for the contest. Depending on the contest, it may be an electronic fillable form. Electronic fillable forms are used so the scorers can easily import your data into a spreadsheet for automated scoring. If a contest uses a fillable form, you will need to fill it electronically. If the form is a fillable PDF, it may require the Adobe PDF Reader (free) app if you use a smart phone to fill it out. Fillable PDFs can be filled using any browser on a computer. Additionally, the contest managers may provide you with an additional form, such as a BiNGO card.  Another possibility is a log as you go form that is used independently for each find made.  In cases where a log as you go form is used, the Completed form below may not be required.
    4. Completed:   This will be a form you fill out on the website signaling you have completed the contest. If one is used for a specific contest, you will need to attach your filled in Player Form to this website form. This gives MiGO a permanent, retrievable record of who completed the contest. Players may be requested to attach other files as well, depending on the contest.
    5. Other:  Individual contests may have other files or forms that will be useful to the contest.  They should be listed and described in the same section with the above forms, files and links.
  3. Inquiries:

  4. All inquiries to the contest managers must be made using the instructions or links provided on the specific contest page or other designated feedback area accessible to all players.   Examples of possible Q&A methods are are email and forums on the website. If email is being used, players are responsible to send the email using the specified subject.  MiGO uses automatic email forwarding based on the email address and exact subject line, so inquiries gets to the right set of eyes. Contest managers also post the submitted questions and answers on the contest page for all to see. If a contest uses the website forums, your entry into the contest will result in players being given access to the specific forum.  As easy as it is to ask questions on Facebook, it is unfair to other players to do so and to get an answer from the contest managers or other players. Questions asked any other way than specified for the contest will not be answered by contest managers and answering someone else’s inquiry are grounds for disqualification.  The reasoning is, keep the discussion where all players have access.
  5. Eligibility:

    All MiGO contests are open to MiGO Supporting members, and generally, only to Supporting members. If a specific contest is open to non-supporting members, or to non-members on in our Facebook Group, or to anyone, the specific contest page will identify the expanded eligibility.
  6. Prizes:

    Prizes for MiGO Contests will be defined for each specific contest. In general, ...
    1. Prizes played for will depend on member level at the time a player's Contest Completed form is turned in.
    2. MiGO officers (Board Members, Executive Committee Members, Regional Vice Presidents) and MiGO Challenge Committee Members are eligible to play contests, but are not eligible to win prizes. Exceptions will be documented on specific contest pages. Contest managers will never be eligible for prizes.
    3. Lake Superior members will always have an advantage over Lake Huron members. Likewise, Lake Huron members will always have an advantage over St. Clair members, Trial members, Facebook Group members or non-members.
  7. Finds:

    1. All cache finds must be made on or after the contest start date, and on or after the player has entered and before the contest end date and time.
    2. All cache finds must be logged on-line with a date matching the actual find date, prior to submitting the Completed form.
    3. All cache types with a GC code are generally eligible to be counted as finds. Exception to this will be identified on the specific contest page.
    4. In general, virtual finds will be allowed. The find must be logged on-line and answers submitted to take credit.
    5. Specific requirements for cache types will be identified on a contest specific basis.
  8. Adventures:

    1. Adventures and labs are generally not eligible to be counted as most contest require a GC code.
    2. Exceptions will be identified on the specific contest page.
  9. Hides:

    1. To take credit for a hide, a new cache must physically hidden on or after the contest start date and on or after the player's contest entry. Prior hides not yet published do not qualify.
    2. Cache hides must be published prior to the contest end date.
    3. Hides will need to be identified as such by a means particular to the specific contest.
  10. Events:

    1. Events can generally be used for finds (attended) but must be held within the contest period.
    2. Events can generally be used for hides (players events) but must be held created, published and held within the contest period.
    3. Events can not be used for both a find and a hide bye he same player.
    4. Any specific requirements for events will be explained on the contest page.



When a rule for a specific contest overrides a general contest rule, the general rule that is being overridden should be identified in the contest specific rules. References should be written as ref. GCR# or ref. GCR 2c, for example.

Revision History:

Every revision to this document needs to be documented in the table below!


 Rev.   by   Date  Section/Rule  Changes
 1.0  kms  5/12/22  All  Initial version, as agreed to by the MiGO Challenge Committee.

Content on this site is the property of the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) and may not be duplicated without consent unless specifically stated.