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HomeMiGO Arts & Trails Challenge

MiGO Arts & Trails Challenge

Stuff You Need to Play
General Rules
Specific Rules
Questions & Answers
Sometimes, you go caching for old caches, lonely caches, D/T combinations, or to visit a specific area. Other times, you really just want to drive a back-road, bike a rail trail, or hike some miles and ink a bunch of logs. This challenge caters to the latter. From October 1st to November 14th, go rack up some points by finding geo-art or powering through geo-trails. Receive double the points by HIDING geo-art or geo-trails for your fellow cachers to enjoy. This challenge's checker is based on Michigan's arts and trails, but any of our out-of-state members can submit their local qualifying caches to participate as well. Scoring is simple: qualifying finds receive one point in the drawing, and qualifying hides receive two points in the drawing. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and get caching!

Complete the Results Form and submit it no later than November 19th, 2024 (11:59 PM). Project-GC will be used to determine the winner of the challenge. NO ENTRY FORM IS REQUIRED.

The MiGO Arts & Trails Challenge was created by K&A Enterprises.

Results Form Submit this form with the results from running the Project-GC checker using your cacher name.

Geo-Trails - 1Geo-Trails -
Geo-Trails - 3Geo-Trails - 4 Click here to see a list of qualifying geo-trail caches.

Geo-Arts -
Geo-Arts -
Geo-Arts - 3 Click here to see a list of qualifying geo-art caches.

MI Geo-TrailsMI Geo-Arts Pages listing Michigan geo-trails and geo-arts for easier reference.

Players are expected to understand and play by the Common Contest Rules as well as the MiGO Code of Fair Play. These are available here:  

Common Contest Rules for MiGO Caching Contests Basic rules that all MiGO caching contests adhere to. Any variation of these rules is included the contest-specific rules.

MiGO Code of Fair Play Expectations for participation in MiGO promotions.

  1. Finds:
    1. Find caches that are on the approved lists of geo-arts and geo-trails (under "Stuff You Need to Play"). If you find caches that are not on the lists, but you think should be, please submit an inquiry
       to the challenge managers with a link to a bookmark list of the caches to ensure that they qualify.
    2. For this challenge, geo-art is defined as "10 or more caches in a readily apparent image, letter, or word," and a geo-trail is defined as "10 or more caches sharing a common name element specific to that geo-trail and hidden along less than 2 miles of road or trail per 10 caches." Caches with the only common name element being something widely used (HNY) or not along a definite trail (caches in a park) do not qualify.
    3. Finds must be made between October 1st, 2024, and November 14th, 2024.
  2. Hides:
    1. Hide geo-art consisting of 10 or more caches in a readily apparent image, letter, or word.
    2. Hide a geo-trail consisting of at least 10 caches per 2 miles along a road, bike trail, or hiking trail, with all caches containing a common naming element.
    3. Submit an inquiry
       to the challenge managers with a link to a bookmark list of your hides to ensure that they qualify.
    4. Hides must be published between October 1st, 2024, and November 7th, 2024.
  3. Participants:  
    1. All MiGO members, including officers and challenge committee members, are eligible to play and win.
  4. Eligible Caches:  
    1. Any cache with a GC code is eligible.
  1. Scoring:
    1. Scores will be computed based on the qualifying caches identified by the checker. If the checker is not capturing caches that you believe should qualify, please submit an inquiry
       to the challenge managers with a link to a bookmark list of the caches so that they can be counted.
  2. Points:     
    1. Every qualifying find will be awarded one point.
    2. Every qualifying hide will be awarded two points.
    3. Lake Superior members will receive a 1.5x multiplier to their points (not included in the checker; will be calculated later).
    4. To prevent any perception of a special advantage, MiGO officers and challenge committee members will receive a 0.9x multiplier to their points (not included in the checker; will be calculated later).
  3. Winner:
    1. The player with the greatest total number of points will have the first choice of available prizes.
    2. Depending on the number of participants, additional winners will be determined by a random number generator based upon points earned.
  4. Prizes:
    1. Players are competing for the following prizes:
      • A collectible geocoin
      • A membership extension or coupon (only one available; more details below)
    2. The quantity of prizes will depend on number of participants:
      • 1-10 players = 1 prize
      • 11-25 players = 2 prizes
      • 26-49 players = 3 prizes
      • 50 or more players = 4 prizes
    3. Membership extension/coupon: A one-year membership extension is available to Lake Superior and Lake Huron members who have not won a membership extension in the two years prior to the contest end date. Lake St. Clair and Trial members will receive a coupon for $5 off a Lake Huron or Lake Superior membership.
    4. Membership is measured at the close of contest date. Anyone who upgrades their membership during the contest period will be competing at the upgraded level.
    5. The challenge managers reserve the right to offer additional prizes, depending on the number of participants.
Inquiries If you have a question regarding the challenge, click this link to send an email to the challenge managers. If your email client doesn't like the link, send your inquiry to with this EXACT subject: Arts&Trails:Inquiry.

Question Answer
I don't see a certain newer Geotrail or Geoart in any of the bookmark lists.
Send us a public bookmark list with your inquiry and it will be added to the bookmark lists used by the checker.

Content on this site is the property of the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) and may not be duplicated without consent unless specifically stated.