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Northern Lower Peninsula CAP
Northern Lower Peninsula CAP

We are looking for financial supporters for the upcoming Michigan State Park Geo-Tour

A GeoTour is an expensive and MiGO operates on a limited budget. You can help support the new GeoTour through the Cache Appreciation Program (CAP). This was very popular with the Centennial Geotour and we hope you will help.

Each geocache on the New Geo-Tour can have one or two Cache Appreciation Program Supporters listed. Each supporter position costs $12.00. Or for $24.00 an individual Geocacher can be the sole supporter of the geocache. Whether you are a sole supporter or one of two supporters, your geocaching name will be displayed on the geocaching page with, "Special Thanks"

Recognition will be by individual geocacher name only. If you are donating for another cacher or a deceased cacher, please email store we will add an alternate geocacher name and add "(R.I.P.)" if appropriate, immediately after their cacher name

Your cacher name will appear on the Geocaching page like this:

Special thanks to "cachername" for this cache

Note: The donation is to MiGO's, not the DNR, and will be made to the "Tour and Trail Fund".


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